Meal Finder Documentation
- API: TheMealDB
- Color Palette
- Custom font: Vegan Style
- The only thing I don't like that much is when you don't include recipe or ingredients the result boxes' height is set to fit-content because the titles of certain meals are longer than others
- Grade (chosen by me): 100% because everything works properly and looks visually pleasing
- Functional
- Custom API: TheMealDB
- Saves last search term in browser local storage
- Four controls - Search box, Max number of results, include ingredients, include recipe
- No JavaScript Errors
- Design & Interaction
- Pleasing graphic design
- Well labeled widgets
- User can figure out how to use app with minimal instruction
- Errors handled gracefully
- User knows what state the app is in at all times
- Default
- Searching
- Results found
- Responsive
- Uses flexbox and grid
- HTML/CSS & Media
- Valid HTML
- Valid CSS
- External CSS style sheet
- Semantic markup
- Images properly optimized
- Code Conventions
- External JavaScript file
- Only uses let and const
- Uses querySelector() and querySelectorAll(), no older methods
- Variable and function names are camel case
- Well-commented code
- Console.log() calls are commented out, except for when theres an error